We offer the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (Profile 1) test results for 36 elements (without needing a doctor's signature) for only $125. The report illustrates your results with bar graphs showing if they are within reference range, too high or too low. This is the most affordable and accurate hair analysis available.
The multi-element assay of hair (36 elements, including Boron) is performed by a federally licensed clinical laboratory called Trace Elements, Inc. Trace Elements have been in business since 1984 and are established as a leading worldwide laboratory. (Please note: Trace Elements lab is a separate company from us, Evenbetternow, LLC). Trace Elements does not sell the hair analysis test to the public directly. This is a service that we are able to offer to you as an individual at a very reasonable cost.
A Note Regarding Interpretation of Test Results: If you would like to add a personalized review and interpretation of your test results through a phone/zoom consultation or a comprehensive personalized written summary, please see below for more information or select one of the radio button options above or below before checkout!
A Note Regarding Receiving your Report: All hair mineral analysis reports are emailed to you as a pdf attachment. A color printed paper copy can be mailed to you via USPS First Class Mail upon request by typing your request in the "Additional Information" window when checking out, or by contacting us. Unless you request a printed paper copy, you will not receive one, only the digital pdf copy. If you select a consult option with your hair analysis that includes a follow-up written summary from our hair analysis specialist, the written summary will come to you via an email attachment after you have received your lab report and had your 1 hour or 30 minute consultation.
Why choose a Trace Elements Hair Analysis?
After hundreds of thousands of hair analyses, Trace Elements lab has developed a unique ability to interpret hair analysis results, which are detailed in their computer-generated report for you. Assuming the lab receives a clean and properly obtained hair sample, your hair analysis results will be extremely accurate.
The hair sample is prepared through a series of chemical and high temperature digestive procedures. Testing is then performed using highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results. For details on the Quality Assurance/Quality Control methods used by Trace Elements Lab, click here.
Your Profile 1 Report from the laboratory will include the following:
Please continue reading or scroll down to view the 4 Steps to Receiving Your Report!
Unlike some labs that test for hair minerals, Trace Elements, Inc. does not wash the hair at the lab. Washing the hair removes some of the loosely bound minerals and can reduce some mineral readings by 50% or more. Once your hair sample is received, the lab carefully inspects the sample and then cut and weigh it to within one-thousandth of a gram. The specimen is placed into an individually marked sterile centrifuge tube in preparation for the precise temperature-controlled microwave/acid digestion process.
A combination of high temperature and ultra-pure acid will uniformly dissolve the hair strands, thereby releasing the mineral elements held within the protein matrix of the hair. After homogeneity is obtained, the specimen is analyzed using state of the art ICP-Mass Spectrometry instruments.
The Profile 1 Hair Analysis is ideal for those individuals who are wanting to measure the levels of toxic metals and mineral ratios in their hair tissue as a way to monitor their nutritional status, chart their detoxification progress, and get a detailed blueprint of their nutritional metabolic activity.
View Sample Report: To view a sample report illustrating the bar graph results for the elements tested, please click here. Scroll down below to view the "Steps" to receiving your report beginning to end.
Customer Feedback:
"I ordered a hair tissue analysis online and I can tell you this has been the best money I have spent in reference to finding out more about my health. I learned more from this analysis than I have from years of blood and urine tests and doctor visits. Tissue analysis is far more accurate than blood and urine. I would highly recommend this test to anyone. I'm definitely posting a recommendation on my Facebook page, and plan to make verbal and email recommendations to family and friends. Thank you so very much for giving me a clear picture. The truth is in the tissues."- Barbara P., Nashville, TN
Why do a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test?
Analysis of hair tissue is a non-invasive method (unlike the chelation challenge test) for determining which toxic heavy metals are present in the body. In addition, it can also measure the levels of essential minerals in the body, such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, as well as important mineral ratios.
Too little or too much of any of these essential minerals can have an adverse effect on the human body and its ability to recover.
Hair analysis testing is worth doing because a surprising number of people diagnosed with chronic health conditions actually turn out to have a heavy metal problem or mineral deficiencies. Heavy metal problems can be corrected using a safe detoxification program.
A hair analysis allows the underlying problem to be identified and with proper dietary changes, supplementation and detoxification, the chronic health condition often improves. For more general information on the benefits of hair analysis testing, click here.
Please note that the hair tissue mineral analysis test is for informational and educational purposes only! It is not intended to be used for forensic evidence or for use in a court of law!
Multi-Element Assay of Minerals Tested
7 Toxic Heavy Metal Elements: Uranium, arsenic, beryllium, mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum. These heavy metals are well-known for their interference upon normal biochemical function and causing numerous imbalances in the body. Antimony (Sb), can be tested for an additional charge of $30.15 Essential Minerals: Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron, manganese, chromium, selenium, boron, cobalt, molybdenum, and sulfur. These nutrients play significant roles in such metabolic processes such as muscular activity, endocrine function, reproduction, skeletal integrity, and overall development.Also includes 14 Additional Elements including: Germanium, barium, bismuth, rubidium, lithium, nickel, platinum, thallium, vanadium, strontium, tin, titanium, tungsten and zirconium. All mineral/metal levels are reported in milligrams percent (milligrams per one-hundred grams of hair). One milligram percent (mg%) is equal to ten parts per million (ppm). 7 Significant Mineral Ratios: Ca/P, Na/K, Ca/K, Zn/Cu, Na/Mg, Ca/Mg, Fe/Cu. If the relationship between certain minerals in the body is disturbed, normal biological functions and metabolic activity can be adversely affected. 9 Toxic Mineral/Metal Ratios: Ca/Pb, Fe/Pb, Fe/Hg, Se/Hg, Zn/Cd, An/Hg, S/Hg, S/Cd, S/Pb. Individuals with elevated toxic levels may not always exhibit clinical symptoms associated with those particular toxic minerals. However, research has shown that toxic minerals/metals can also produce an antagonistic effect on various essential minerals, leading to disturbances in their metabolic utilization.Also included are 11 Additional Ratios: Ca/Sr, Cr/V, Cu/Mo, Fe/Co, K/Co, K/Li, Mg/B, S/Cu, Se/Tl, Se/Sn, Zn/SnA calculated comparison of two elements to each other is called a ratio. To calculate a ratio value, the first mineral level is divided by the second mineral level. Reference Ranges: Generally speaking, the reference ranges in the report should be considered as guidelines for comparison with the reported test values. These reference ranges have been statistically established from studying an international population of "healthy individuals". The reference ranges should not be considered as absolute limits for determining deficiency, toxicity or acceptance.
Would You Like a Personalized Review and Interpretation of Your Results?
The Profile 1 Hair Analysis does not come with a computerized report or interpretation of the results from Trace Elements lab; therefore we recommend a personalized review and consultation by phone or zoom to help you further understand the results of your hair analysis.
We offer a full 1 Hour Phone or Zoom Consultation plus Follow-up Written Summary which can be purchased with your Profile 1 HTMA report by selecting the 2nd radio button option above or below Hair Analysis Test + 1 Hour Consult & Follow-up Summary w/ Specialist. The cost is an additional $170.
Note: We strongly urge you to purchase the 1 Hour Consultation for first time testers, as there is a lot of information to be covered during a consultation, especially if you are new to hair analysis interpretation.
For more details about the Hair Analysis 1 Hour Consult & Follow-up Summary service, please click here.
We also offer a shorter 1/2 Hour Consult & Follow-up Summary, which can be purchased with your Profile 1 HTMA report by selecting the 3rd radio button above or below called Hair Analysis Test + 1/2 Hour Consult & Follow-up Summary. The cost is an additional $135.
Note: We recommend the 1/2 Hour Consultation only if you're already familiar with hair analysis interpretation and have only a few targeted questions to be answered in that time frame.
For more details about the Hair Analysis 1/2 Hour Consult & Follow-up Summary service, please click here.
To view a sample Follow-up Summary for either the 1 Hour or 1/2 Hour Consult, please click here.
If you prefer to receive a Comprehensive Personalized Written Report only (no consult) for interpreting your report with recommendations, you can select the 4th radio button Hair Analysis Test + Detailed Personalized 20+ pg Written Report (No Consult) above or below. For more details about our Personalized Written Report Service, please click here. To view a sample portion of a detailed personalized written report, click here.
Please Note: The Comprehensive Personalized Report is approx. 21-26 pages, whereas the follow-up written summaries that come with a phone/zoom consult are approx 4-5 pages. Your Comprehensive Personalized Report will be completed by either Rebecca or Hannah.
Disclaimer: The information provided in our personalized written reports or summaries are for health education purposes only. They are not to be used as medical advice or as a medical diagnosis. Evenbetternow, LLC and its practitioners are not liable for advice that you may choose to use at your own discretion.
A Note Regarding Purchasing a Consultation or Written Interpretation: It is important that you book your consultation within one month of receiving your HTMA results, so as to ensure the interpretation and recommendations provided by the specialist will most accurately reflect your current body chemistry and mineral levels. If you wait several weeks or months after your testing, the supplement recommendations and guidelines may only be about 50% accurate due to the time lapse.
Who Should Get an HTMA Consultation?
A consultation is appropriate and ideal for those who are comfortable with and willing to embark on a mineral balancing protocol. A mineral balancing protocol requires the purchase and recommended usage of targeted nutritional supplements to facilitate your optimal health and well-being. Although dietary recommendations will be given as part of your consultation (and follow-up summary), using food alone, is often not enough (or fast enough) to properly bring your body minerals into balance. Depending on the mineral pattern revealed by your hair analysis test, you may need to kick-start certain elemental deficiencies with mineral supplementation in order to have success!
We also recommend utilizing our detoxifying clay baths as a way to further speed up your mineral balancing program. Our sodium bentonite clay has a powerful ability to pull toxic metals out through the pores of the skin. Toxic metals interfere with your body's ability to absorb essential nutrients and other important minerals. You can check out our clay baths (one for adults and one for kids) by clicking here.
Meet our Hair Mineral Analysis Specialists!
Your consult and (follow-up summary) will be given by one of our hair analysis specialists, Rebecca Yenchik, CMS, CNC, HTMAp, or Hannah Cherny, MSHN, HTMAp, RCP.
Rebecca Yenchik is a certified nutritional consultant (CNC) and health educator who has been trained and certified by leading experts in the interpretation of the Trace Elements HTMA reports, including Dr. Rick Malter, Ph.D., who authored the book Strands of Health. In addition to her with extensive knowledge in the field of mineral balancing and holistic health, Rebecca is also a Certified Master Herabalist. To view Rebecca's brief biography, click here.
Hannah Cherny is a certified nutritionist with several years experience working in clinical settings as a health coach and nutrition specialist. She is also certified in the Root Cause Protocol (RCP) by Morley Robbins and also trained and certified by Dr. Rick Malter in the interpretation of HTMA reports. To view Hannah's brief biography, click here.
When you purchase a consult with follow-up summary, your specialist will go over in detail the results of your test and explain how the levels measured relate to your metabolic rate, stress and energy levels, hormones and blood sugar. They will make further recommendations on diet and supplementation that is specific to your needs for improving your mineral balancing and any nutritional deficiencies. After your phone consult, you will receive by email a personalized follow-up summary of what was discussed.
Client Feedback:
“Rebecca was EXCELLENT! She gave me way more information than I expected and I so appreciate it! Rebecca was great at giving me an understanding of my results and how to remedy the issue! She was kind, concise and allowed time to answer my questions! I’ll definitely be retesting and booking another consultation with her in December! Thanks so much!"- R.M., Cary, NC
"This consultation was everything I could have hoped for. Rebecca gave me a very detailed explanation as to why I have been struggling with my health and gave me a thorough write up with diet and supplemental changes to make. I finally have hope that my health can improve!"- K.E., Santa Ana, CA
"One hour seemed to be just enough time to get all the necessary information passed on to me and to answer my questions. Rebecca was very friendly and not intimidating at all, it was as if I was talking to a friend. She seemed to know exactly how I was feeling and gave easy to understand solutions to try and fix my problems. I can tell she really studied hard to learn all the information."- D.T., Arthur, Illinois
Hannah was amazing! Very knowledgeable, kind, and I finally felt like I was getting somewhere on my health journey. She was compassionate, friendly and truly helpful; something I haven't found in most doctors.
- A.L. Kamas, Utah
“Rebecca was so thorough and helped explain my case with very much grace. I understand even more how serious my copper toxicity problem is. She offered hope and understanding which gives me a path to find my way up and out. This was the most valuable and insightful hour for my health that I have had in 10 years of suffering and going to doctors. It was well worth the consultation fee. Without it (consult), I would not have really understood the severity of my issue.”- N.D.C., El Paso, TX
“My consultation with Rebecca was excellent and very informative. Rebecca is an outstanding consultant that has provided a wealth of information that is very helpful to understanding my current state of health.”- C.M.M., Huntsville, AL
"I was completely blown away by Rebecca's knowledge and how personable she was. She gave me so much and I am truly grateful. She has saved my health from going further down the hole. Already in just 3 days of implementing her suggestions, I feel 75% better."- Kelly Jean D., Encinitas, CA
"100%! Best conversation on health that I've ever had (with Hannah) and I genuinely mean that. This was life-changing."- KAF, Denver, CO
"I didn't know health care existed like this, and I am so excited to have found this resource!"- E.P., Houston, TX"Rebecca was knowledgeable, patient, thorough, well prepared. She explained things clearly.She was very positive. She welcomed my daughter's participation. I left the consult having learned a lot, with a clear path in mind towards improving my health & well being."- D.W., Westport, MA
"Rebecca is VERY knowledgeable and thorough!!! I only wish I had done the analysis sooner. I already purchased a retest. I felt I ended our consultation with a world of knowledge and left with many ways to help improve my health. Please don't rely on interpreting the results on your own. There are so many relationships between the many minerals/metals and ways they interact with one another I couldn't have solved my imbalances on my own. Rebecca is well worth the consultation fee. Thank you!!"- A.S., Neptune Beach, FL
“Rebecca is very knowledgeable and very easy to talk to; and she answered all of my questions.”- M.M., Riverview, FL
"I am very pleased with the amount of information that I gained with this process. I appreciate that a follow up was sent so that I can read and re-read things as needed to understand the full scope of what is going on with my health."- A.G., Escondido, CA
“Just reaching out to share a little good news & a really big THANK YOU! Since our initial consult, I have slept the last 3 nights for 5-7 hours each night! I have also been more productive the last 2 mornings than I’ve been in the past 2 weeks! Just a few small adjustments & what a difference! Rebecca, THANK YOU for spending time with me & for sharing just a bit of your knowledge!”- J.K.N., Clarks Green, PA
“I was in tears with gratitude. I appreciate the resources and links Rebecca sent me and have some solid steps to take in detoxification.”- N.D.C., El Paso, TX
"10/10"- A.Y., Mooresville, IN
"Hannah was extremely knowledgeable as well as comprehensive, clear and concise report. Looking forward to taking action on the recommendations and following up on a future test."- MT, Southington, CT
"I am thoroughly impressed with Rebecca's kindness, professionalism and wide knowledge of her field and expertise. She is very good and knows her field well. She has helped me so much and thanks to her, I am finally starting to get my health back on track."- K.O. Cantonment, Florida
"I was surprised and grateful to find how the HTMA verified my symptoms and difficulties."- J.B. Toeka, KS
"Rebecca was so incredibly thorough, knowledgeable, and kind throughout the consultation.Her philosophy on healing and nutrition pretty much exactly matched mine/the other practitioner and program I’m using, which was definitely a plus!Honestly I feel that the results of the test gave me some answers I wouldn’t have found any other way and I’m so excited to implement the changes Rebecca recommended and to see how it all goes! Very grateful :)"- E.C., Delray Beach FL
"Very knowledgable -- learned a lot of things I have never been exposed to before about minerals, metals, and the correlation to my health!"- B.N., Flower Mound, TX
"(Rebecca) was excellent. She was amazing and I have now recommended her and this test to several friends. She answered my questions and explained everything really well."- L.L., Beaverton, OR
Please Note: All combination purchases now automatically include the test for Boron (B).
If you choose not to use our consult services, we suggest you take your report (along with your doctor's copy) to your naturopathic doctor or other healthcare practitioner for further guidance if needed.
What are the steps to receiving my report?
Please Note: In most cases, the turnaround time to receive your hair analysis results from the time you place the order with us is 2-4 weeks (although that varies depending on how quickly you submit your hair sample).
Also Note: If you are ordering a hair analysis for anyone other than yourself, including in your own family, it is very important that you include their name, address and phone number in the "Additional Information" section of the shopping cart, so that we can match your order to their name and ship the report directly to them or to you if it is a family member.
The price charged by health care professionals for this very same analysis is usually $200 and up. Our price for the basic Hair Tissue Analysis (Profile 1) by Trace Elements, Inc. which includes all 36 elements, is only $125.00. Price includes mailing of the hair analysis submittal form/kit to you and emailing your report from the lab once it is sent to us.
Note: For individuals wanting the Trace Elements laboratory report included with their results, we offer the comprehensive Profile 2 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test. The Profile 2 is the same test as the Profile 1, however, it comes with a 10-15 page computerized lab report that reviews and interprets your results with respect to your mineral imbalances, metabolic type, as well as dietary and supplement recommendations.
Receive 5% off when you purchase 2 or more of the Profile 1 Hair Analysis or 2 or more of the same Profile 1 Hair Analysis + Consult Combination!
Please Note: There are no refunds on the purchase of the hair analysis test, consultations or written reports.
More Customer Feedback:
"Our family (nine children) has found many helpful things on your site. The most significant is your Comprehensive Hair Analysis. We have begun using it on the most serious health issues in our family and have found it to be very useful in getting to the root of our health problems. No significant toxic levels of heavy metals have been found, but the hair analysis is a life saver in addressing some of the emotional health issues we have. Thank you!"- Marvin L., Howell, MI
Helpful Link: For Frequently Asked Questions about the Hair Tissue Analysis, please click here.
The most asked question we get is: "Can I do a hair test if I color my hair?" The short answer is yes; only dyes like Grecian Formula and Henna contain lead acetate which will affect your lead levels or other heavy metals, and bleach can artificially affect calcium. Your overall mineral pattern will not be affected though. Please click the link above to view other commonly asked questions and answers.
Alert To New York State Visitors: Due to current New York State regulations (NY Public Health Law Section 574), we are unable to process samples collected from residents of New York at this time. Therefore, we regret we cannot accept orders with a NY State billing or shipping address. Also, if you ordered a hair analysis from another state and you're visiting in New York, do not mail or send your hair sample from the state of New York as it will be rejected by Trace Elements lab, and you will not be refunded.
Please call us at 520-877-2637 for more information on this.
Also Please Note: Due to exclusive distribution agreements, we cannot accept Hair Analysis orders or hair samples originating from the following countries:
Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Colombia, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Qatar, Scotland, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, UAE.
Visitors from these countries need to purchase the test from a distributor in their region. Please contact Trace Elements, Inc. for further information. If you order your test in the US and are traveling to any of these countries, please do not mail or send your hair sample from any of these countries, otherwise it will be rejected by Trace Elements lab!
A Message for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers:
Pregnancy is a huge undertaking for the body and mineral balancing is incredibly supportive to both you and your baby. Mineral balancing while pregnant is important to support blood volume increasing. Up to 10% of a mother’s stored minerals are lost during pregnancy and more if the baby is breastfed. Working with minerals is a great way to nourish you both.Although hair analysis is a valuable tool for assessing your mineral, nutritional, and toxicity statuses, the approach to addressing your mineral test results during pregnancy and nursing is much different. It is important to understand this because even if imbalances are found we often cannot fully address them while pregnant or nursing. The focus is put more on supporting the body rather than addressing toxicities during this time. It’s not ideal to push detoxification because these toxicities can be passed in utero and through breast milk.It is beneficial to test while pregnant or nursing but to significantly address toxicities, that is something to be handled after pregnancy and when nursing has ceased.
A Re-Test is available for those who have previously received a Profile 1 report by purchasing the Profile 1 test again. You will need to include your Lab # (that was generated by Trace Elements from your previous report) by adding it to the top right corner of your submittal form. The retest report will show a comparative analysis with your previous Trace Elements test results.
Alternatively, we offer a Profile 3 Re-Test for those who want to receive the 10-12 page written report by Trace Elements lab, similar to that which comes with the comprehensive Profile 2 report that goes into depth of what the results mean in terms of your mineral balancing, metabolic type, and dietary and supplement recommendations. The cost is $145.00. If you would like to purchase a Profile 3 Re-Test hair analysis , please click here.
Note: Prior tests not purchased through Evenbetternow.com will require an authorized "Release of Results (HIPPA form)" for them to be included in the Re-Test report.
Have a Pet?
We also offer hair tissue mineral analysis for dogs (canine) and horses (equine).
No Refunds!
Please Note: We do not offer refunds on hair analysis tests, consultations or written summaries once you have purchased them. Keep in mind the hair analysis kit submittal form you receive is valid for up to one year in case you need to wait before submitting your hair sample.
36 Element Test Results Only (plus consult or written report if option selected)
We offer the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (Profile 2 HTMA) test (without needing a doctor's signature) for only $150, which includes a 10-15 page computer generated lab report plus an additional health-care practitioner's copy (see below for what's included in the lab report). This is the most affordable, detailed and accurate hair analysis available. The standard cost for this type of detailed analysis can be $300 and up.
The Profile 2 Hair Analysis (Profile 2) also includes a complete metabolic profile and recommendations for foods, diet and supplements (sold by us Evenbetternow®).
Alert To New York State Visitors: Due to current New York State regulations (NY Public Health Law Section 574), we are unable to process samples collected from residents of New York at this time. Therefore, we regret we cannot accept orders with a NY State billing or shipping address. Please call us at 520-877-2637 for more information on this.
36 Elements Test Results + Computer Generated Lab Report (plus consult or written report if option selected)
Multi-Element Assay of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Retest (Profile 3)
For those of you who have purchased a hair analysis (Profile 1 or 2) from us before by Trace Elements Inc., you can have a re-test done that will show you a comparative analysis of the current results with the previous results along with the computer generated report summary giving dietary and supplement recommendations. This re-test is referred to as a Profile 3 analysis.
Free Shipping of Kit and Report (included in price)!
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Review and Interpretation of Results (for Profile 1, Profile 2 or Profile 3) is a one (1) hour phone or zoom consultation that is designed to give you a clear understanding of the significance of each essential mineral, mineral ratio and toxic element indicated in your hair analysis report.
Please Note: This service is only available if you have already purchased the Hair Analysis test performed by Trace Elements, Inc. through us. If you haven't and you would like to purchase the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis first or together with the consult, please click here.
Your report will be reviewed by Rebecca Yenchik, CMS, CNC, who is a certified nutritional consultant (CNC) and health educator. Rebecca has been trained and certified personally by Dr. Rick Malter, Ph.D., in the interpretation of the Trace Elements hair analysis test results. Dr. Malter is a leading expert in hair tissue mineral analysis and author of the book The Strands of Health: A Guide to Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis. To view Rebecca's brief biography, click here.
1 hour phone or zoom consultation plus follow-up written summary (8 pages)
For those who prefer not to do a phone consultation to review their test results, but would like a comprehensive personalized summary (approx 36 pages), you can now purchase the Hair Analysis Comprehensive Written Report separately.
Personalized Written Summary - Total 36 pages
Add the toxic element test for Antimony (Sb) to your Trace Elements Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis report.
If you have already purchased a Trace Elements Profile 1 Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and would like to upgrade to a Profile 2 report you can do so by adding this Upgrade selection to your cart.