Blessed Earth® is a 100% pure bentonite clay that has a very high cation exchange capacity (CEC); which means it has a very high negative ionic surface charge when mixed with warm water.
Clay Tub Bath Directions
Open the jar of clay. Avoid breathing in the clay dust powder. Use of a dust mask is recommended. Take a measuring cup and put aside the desired amount of clay you want to use for your child's bath. (See guidelines below to calculate proper dosage and time in bath according to condition). Be sure to secure jar lid after use and store in a dry area.
Begin filling the bath with hot water and empty the pre-measured amount of clay (½ - 2 cups) into the bathwater. If the tub is a Jacuzzi, please tape up the jets with duct tape. The simplest and most effective way to dissolve the clay is to sprinkle it over the running hot water like icing sugar on a cake. This can be done at any stage of the tub filling up. Using a stainless steel or plastic whisk or other non-metallic stirring utensil, thoroughly mix the clay into the bathwater. The small particle size of the clay will dissolve easily with no clumping. Continue to fill the tub allowing space to add more water later.
After having thoroughly mixed the clay into the bath water allow the clay to fully hydrate by letting it sitfor 5 minutes before getting in. Prior to getting in, measure the temperature of the bath water with a thermometer. Add cooler or hotter water to bring the temperature between 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit, depending upon your physical condition as per the guidelines on the back of this sheet. At this temperature the water should feel warm but not hot like a hot tub.
Step into the tub carefully as the clay may be slippery. Submerge as much of your body as possible. If your tub is small and you cannot totally immerse yourself up to your neck, lie on one side for half the time and then on the other side for the remainder of the time.
After the allotted time, carefully raise your body out of the tub. Take a tepid shower and shampoo your hair in a separate shower stall. If you do not have a separate shower, dry off as best as possible and follow Step 6.
Open the tub drain and allow the bathwater to drain. Swish any residual clay particles with a large sponge and more water until the rest of the clay is down the drain. This will be a very easy cleanup as most of the clay will go down the drain when you first let out the drain plug. You can then shower and shampoo in the tub after it is clean.
Skin moisturizer will help to relieve any resultant dryness. After the bath you may feel a bit fatigued or very relaxed. Just relax for as long as you want: Watch TV, read, meditate, listen to music, etc.
It is suggested that you take a natural electrolyte drink after the bath such as Emergen-C® Electro Mix or ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops. ConcenTrace® Mineral Drops are extracted from the Great Salt Lake, and contain the full spectrum of all the minerals in a balance to the body. Emergen-C® electrolyte crystals are free of artificial flavors and colors.
Suggested Use: Use 1/2 cup to 2 cups of clay per bath for 10-20 minutes, or more. Clay baths may be taken one or more times per week. We recommend that you begin your bath regimen using a lesser amount of clay and a lesser amount of time in the bath. With each bath, you can raise, by increments, the clay amount and the time in the bath until you gradually build up to the maximum amount your body can tolerate. It is suggested to wait at least 72 hours between baths until your are very accustomed to taking clay baths.
To view our 4 lb gusset bag product label, which is FDA compliant, please click here.
Child’s Weight
Clay Amount (in cups)
Time in Tub (in Min)
Under 30 lbs
1/2 to 3/4 cups
5-10 minutes
30-60 lbs
3/4 to 1 cup
10-15 minutes
60-100 lbs
1 to 1 1/2 cups
15 - 20 minutes
Over 100 lbs
1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups
20-25 minutes
Use of clay bath can result in the following temporary symptoms: Fatigue, hyperactivity, nausea, light-headedness, temporary loss of appetite, lethargy, irritability, skin eruptions, and flu-like symptoms.
If any of these symptoms occur, remove yourself from the bath immediately. Also, make sure the water is not hotter than 104 degrees.
Only use Evenbetternow® brand clay baths under the advice of a physician or healthcare provider if you have a heart condition, high or low blood pressure, or are on any pharmaceutical medication. Do not use the clay bath if you are sick with the flu or other viral or bacterial infection. If you are taking a prescription medication, speak with your doctor before beginning a clay bath regimen.
Avoid breathing in the clay powder directly. Use of a dust mask is recommended.
The suggested amount of Blessed Earth® clay is ½ -2 cups in the footbath for 10-40 minutes. Fill the bucket full enough so that the water comes up to the calf, if possible. The water should be between 100-104 degrees. Place the clay in the water and stir thoroughly with stainless steel or plastic whisk. Allow the clay to sit for 5 minutes before putting your feet in. When time is up, remove your feet and clean them with warm water. Add more hot water if necessary. Moisturize the feet. Drink Emergen-C®, electrolytes, water, juice, etc.