Kids Clear™ Detox Clay Bath - Feedback from Parents

"Thank you!!! I have used the clay baths and they have helped my son Raphael tremendously. I wrote about him some years ago starting to talk more after the baths. He is doing well, has been mainstreamed and is currently in regular primary school in grade 6. He is now classified as 'high functioning'."
- Elaine W.

"We have been using the Kids Clear™ therapeutic baths for our daughter. The first time she used the clay bath she had a dramatic change. She started to sleep through the night, dropped her aggressive behavior and potty-trained herself within two weeks after we had been trying for 4 years. Thank you for a great product."
- Magna, UT

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I could never be able to find the words on how much your Kids Clear clay product has changed us. We will be forever grateful. The clay bath is such a life saver!!! When my nonverbal son has a meltdown, the bath truly makes such a difference. He is on a special NO DAIRY diet which, when he is not at home, tends to get overlooked. People just do not understand how horrible that makes him feel. But the bath…wow. He goes from this belligerent, violent, grey eyed, uncontrollable ball of fury, and after a clay bath he becomes, well…..happy! It calms him so much. He has even come to tell me when he wants one [bath]. He will go to the cabinet saying 'bath, bath, bath'. I LOVE this product, he [son] LOVES this product. We have been using it for about 2 years now and plan on using it as long as you continue to make it. Completely amazing!!! Thank you!"
- Nicole J., Farmington MO

"I just want to thank you for all the research in this wonderful product that has helped my son. My son is 8 years old. I have to confess, for the first time in 8 years I have just gotten to know him because after giving him the clay bath I saw changes in his attitude, behavior, and speech. Thank you."
- Catherine, London, England

"I have 3 special needs children and have seen improvements in all three of them with the Kids Clear clay bath. My son Luke spoke his 1st sentence 2 days after the bath when he was 3. His teachers and I notice major differences after each bath. Thank you."
- Marian A., McDonald PA

"Thank You for your wonderful service. I have started using the Kids Clear Detox Clay Baths on my child and heard him say a few words for the first time in almost 2 years. It made me and my wife so overjoyed that we had tears in our eyes. It certainly has made a great change in his behavior. He now plays with his brothers and before he would only play by himself. It was worth every penny and I would recommend your products to anyone."
- Muhammad H.K.

"I am writing a message to let you know how pleased I am with your product, which I purchased for my 7 year old son. I skeptically, but hopefully ordered your Kids Clear bentonite clay bath. I am so happy to tell you I can see a difference in my sons speech and interaction. I will continue to use your product and will keep you posted on his progress. This is making a tremendous difference in his life. Thank you."
- Cheree E., Homeland CA

"Dear Evenbetternow. I would like to thank you so much for all your wonderful products. Especially the Kids Clear Clay Bath. After just 4 clay baths, my nonverbal son began saying 'YES'. This of course helps so much in day-to-day activities. Before the clay baths we didn’t know what he wanted unless he could bring an item to us, or bring us a picture of an item. We were doing no other supplements at the time, which shows how I know it had to be the detoxifying clay baths. THANK YOU SO MUCH!"
- Julie W., Aiken SC

"My son is 6 years old. After one month of Kids Clear baths, we have seen numerous changes. First he is more aware of how other children act and he understands more communication (verbal and non-verbal). Second, his speech is much better now. He really tries to enunciate his sounds. We will definitely continue doing the baths!"
- Annie C., Orem UT

"I originally read about ways to detox and thought it may have some promise for my son, but the side-effects really worried me. After mentioning it to my wife she found your website. I was skeptical; a 2 to 3 minute clay bath, yeah right. That’s going to work? I am absolutely amazed that after a few short baths, my sons’ behavior was changing quite noticeably. He has had about 8 baths now, and if the clay is not doing this, it is one incredible coincidence. He is now and has become more vocal, a LOT happier, tantrums have diminished dramatically, and he is even trying to read with me. I am so glad that I did not let my skepticism prevent me from providing my son with this chance that turned out to be fantastic. I can only hope that others at least try it, as I am extremely confident their kid will benefit to their amazement. Thank you so much for your invaluable contribution to children and humanity. I will be forever grateful!"
- Bruce & Margarita P., Lake Forest CA

"After my son’s second Kids Clear clay bath he started drinking water from an open cup all by himself. Something he has never done before. You should have seen the tears of JOY which filled my eyes.
Thank you and may God richly Bless all the Staff at Evenbetternow®."
- Lucy O., Worcester IN

"I have a child that is challenged. Wow, with just giving him one Kids Clear clay bath, we could see how much calmer he was. His teacher at school said he was easier to handle. I mean we have gone from a child that slams cupboards and jumping all day long, to a child that can sit on the couch and watch a show and find ways to entertain himself; plus, he is so much happier. If I haven’t given him a bath in more than a week, my husband is asking for him to have it even if he has to give him the bath. I love this product. Thank you so much."
- Nelda H., Colorado City AZ

"Just wanted to let you know of my son’s progress since starting on the Kids Clear clay baths. The results have been fantastic. We cannot get over the progress he has made. His eye contact and spontaneous verbalizations have increased incredibly. Thank You for such a wonderful product."
- Maria S., River Vale NJ

"What a change! After our almost 5 year old son had his fist bath my husband and I saw results! He’ll turn to look at us (in the eyes) after calling his name only once! He’s using the right words to communicate, and in sentences!! And best of all, he’s smiling and laughing, and just seems happier! We are so grateful for this product (Kids Clear Clay Bath). He just surprises me every day now and even asks for hi chocolate milk bath (which we named them for easier transition). He says they make him feel better. Yeah!! Thank you Evenbetternow."
- T.T. C., Callaway MN

"Hi, I am the father of an 8 year old boy that was not speaking correctly and most of the time not speaking at all. Things were not looking so good for him at school since he could not communicate with the rest of the children or even associate with them. He had an assistant help him in school that could only help him so far. Keven could not understand his teacher and always answered incorrectly her questions. A few months ago we started a program that included your Kids Clear baths. The results have been nothing short of a Miracle. Keven is understanding, he is speaking and hanging out with his friends at school, and his grades are A’s and more A’s. He is making jokes and understanding them also. My son is doing so good that I want everyone to hear about your products. I am telling you this because I haven’t felt this happy in a long time. Sincerely."
- Norberto M., Isabella PR

"My son is eight years old and his speech is severely delayed. Most of the time he only mimics words and doesn’t really communicate. After giving him a bath in Kids Clear clay only once, I have already seen a significant difference. He told me twice when he was cold, and even asked me for food and drink. This probably doesn’t sound like much, but for a mom who is constantly trying to guess at the needs of her child because he is incapable of letting me know when he is hungry, or cold or uncomfortable, it means the world to me. It brought tears to my eyes, I am grateful for such great product and I will tell everyone that I know who would benefit from it. Thank you."
- Lynne F., Tucson AZ

"This is the best thing that has happened to Haley. She can play with toys and puzzles now. She likes to color, use stickers and play dough. Her three Special Ed teachers cannot believe this is the same child they first met. Her speech is slowly coming out and we have every hope she will be talking more each month that passes. I will always give her these [Kids Clear] clay baths."
- Sandy R., Surprise, AZ

Kids Clear™ Detox Clay Baths can be ordered by clicking here. To place your order by phone, call our voicemail line at 520-877-2637. Kids Clear Detox Clay Bath

Questions? Call our voicemail line at 520-877-2637 or email your questions here.