Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Overview

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Below is an overview of the various sections that are covered in the comprehensive 15 page Hair Tissue Analysis Report.

Understanding the Graphics

Nutritional Elements

This section displays the test results for each of the reported nutritional elements and how they compare to the established population reference range. Values that are above or below the reference range indicate a deviation from "normal". The more significant the deviation, the greater the possibility a deficiency or excess may be present.

Hair Analysis test report

Toxic Elements

The toxic elements section displays the results for each of the reported toxic elements. It is preferable that all levels be as low as possible and within the lower white section. Any test result that falls within the upper dark red areas should be considered as statistically significant, but not necessarily clinically significant.

hair analysis test report

Significant Ratios

The significant ratios section displays the important nutritional mineral relationships. This sections consists of calculated values based on the respective elements. Mineral relationships (balance) is as important, if not more so, than the individual mineral levels. The ratios reflect the critical balance that must be constantly maintained between the minerals of the body.

Toxic Ratios

This section displays the relationships between the important nutritional elements and toxic metals. Each toxic metal ratio result should be in the white area of the graph, and the higher the the better. Toxic ratios that fall within the darker red area may indicate an interference of that toxic metal upon the utilization of the nutritional element.

To view a sample of the bar graph measurements for each mineral element and significant ratios, click here or the bar graph images above. To view a sample of the detailed explanation of results patient report, please click here.

Metabolic Type

This section of the report discusses the metabolic profile, which is based on research conducted by Dr. D.L. Watts. Each classification is established by evaluating the tissue mineral results and determining the degree to which the minerals may be associated with a stimulating and/or inhibiting effect upon the main "energy producing" endocrine glands. These glands regulate nutrient absorption, excretion, metabolic utilization, and incorporation into the tissues of the body: the skin, organs, bone, hair, and nails. How efficiently each nutrient is utilized depends largely upon proper functioning of the endocrine glands.

Nutrient Mineral Levels

This section of the report may discuss those nutritional mineral levels that reveal moderate or significant deviations from normal. The light blue areas of each graph section represent the reference range for each element based upon statistical analysis of apparently healthy individuals.

Toxic Metal Levels

This section displays the toxic elements that are within and outside the normal reference range. Toxic elements or "heavy metals" are well-known for their interference upon normal biochemical function. They are commonly found in the environment and therefore are present to some degree, in all biological systems. However, these metals clearly pose a concern for toxicity when accumulation occurs to excess.

Toxic Metal Ratios

Every person is exposed to toxic metals to some degree. The retention of these toxic metals, however, is dependent upon the individual's susceptability. The balance of the protective nutrient minerals within the body in relation to the heavy metals can frequently be the determinin g factor to this susceptibility. As an example, the accumulation of lead will have a more detrimental effect upon body chemistry when sufficient levels of calcium and iron are not available. By examining the toxic metal levels in relation to the protective minerals, the extent to which the heavy metals may be involved in abnormal chemistry can frequently be seen.

Dietary Suggestions

The dietary suggestions are defined by several factors: the individual's mineral levels, ratios and metabolic type, as well as the nutrient value of each food including protein, carbohydrate, fat, and vitamin and mineral content. Based upon these determinations, it may be suggested that certain foods be avoided or increased temporarily to aid in the improvement of the person's biochemistry.


HTMA Report

The comprehensive hair analysis report can provide a unique insight into nutritional biochemistry. The recommendations given by the lab are specifically designed according to metabolic type, mineral status, age, and sex. Additional recommendations may be based upon other supporting clinical data as determined by the your health-care professional.

The objective of the analysis is to re-establish a normal balance of body chemistry through individually designed dietary and supplement suggestions. Properly followed, this may then enhance the ability of the body to more efficiently utilize the nutrients that are consumed, resulting in improved energy production and health.

What to expect during a rebalancing program?

The mobilization and elimination of certain metals may cause temporary discomfort. As an example, if an excess accumulation of iron or lead is contributing to arthritis, a temporary flare-up of the condition may occur from time to time. This discomfort can be expected until removal of the excess metal is complete.

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